However, in my field, due to bonuses, etc., I went ahead and made the 2024 estimated tax payments. So, now I will be getting approximately $4,000 back. It's irritating, but I'd rather get the money back than pay penalties.
However, in my field, due to bonuses, etc., I went ahead and made the 2024 estimated tax payments. So, now I will be getting approximately $4,000 back. It's irritating, but I'd rather get the money back than pay penalties.
$40,817 Marcus Savings Account
$85,892 Retirement- Roth IRA
106,141 Taxable Brokerage (Retirement)
$22,779 Former Employer 401k
$16,435 Current Employer 401k
$15,000 Private Investment
$5,000 Private Investment
$32,361 Bank Account
$428,100 per zillow
Total (not including home): $343,557
Total (including home): $771, 657
Mortgage $135,193
Total (not including mortgage): $0
Total (including mortgage): -$135,193
Total Net Worth(not including mortgage/home): $343,557
Total Net Worth(including mortgage/home): $636,464
Net worth, not including mortgage/home, increased by $71,971 from April 2024 (last net worth update)
Net worth, including mortgage/home, increased by $71,942 from April 2024 (last net worth update)
Notes- home value decreased by almost $10k.
$45,774.85 Marcus Savings Account
$66,213.02 Retirement- Roth IRA
$85,219.88 Taxable Brokerage (Retirement)
$20,147.23 Former Employer 401k
$3,900.32 Current Employer 401k
$31,831.52 Bank Account
$437,500-per zillow
Total (not including home): $271,586.08
Total (including home): $709,086.08
Mortgage $144,563.81
Total (not including mortgage): $0
Total (including mortgage): -$144,563.81
Total Net Worth(not including mortgage/home): $271,586.08
Total Net Worth(including mortgage/home): $564,522.27
Net worth, not including mortgage, increased by $197,023.08 from July 2019(last net worth update)
Net worth, including mortgage, increased by $388,219.27 from July 2019 (last net worth update)
I have 2 savings accounts, one with Ally and one with Marcus. My Ally account is paying 4.25% and my Marcus account just sent an email stating that the rate was raised to 4.40%. I remember when I opened my Ally account and I THINK it was paying 0.6%. It has increased 7X since I opened it!
My Ally account has over $16,000 in it and I earn approximately $57 a month.
My Marcus account has over $38,000 in it and I earn approximately $135 a month.
That's almost $200 a month in passive income!!!!
I want to find additional ways to increase my passive income. I want to make money while I sleep!
I only have my savings accounts, my brokerage account and my retirement accounts as passive income.
What do you do to earn passive income? Comment below!
I haven't really sat down to make any goals for 2023. I know it's August, but I figure it's never too late.
1. Contribute $15,000 to retirement with the goal of having $145,000 by the end of the year. As it stands today I have approximately $138,000. I do no yet qualify for my firm's 401k plan.
2. Pay the mortgage down into the $140,000s.
3. Donate $1500 to charity.
4. Increase savings to $57,500.
Do you have any goals for 2023? Please share in the comments.