Sunday, February 23, 2025



It's that time of year, again. Last year, I owed a little over $1,200 in taxes. So, I was given the fabulous opportunity to pay the government $1,149, each quarter for all of 2024. I was fairly certain that I would not owe over $1,000 for 2024, as I had the benefit of my 401K contributions to reduce my taxable income. 

However, in my field, due to bonuses, etc., I went ahead and made the 2024 estimated tax payments. So, now I will be getting approximately $4,000 back. It's irritating, but I'd rather get the money back than pay penalties. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

2025 Goals

Look at me! Two posts in one month!!!  Here are my goals for 2025.

1. Pay mortgage down to under $120k. I currently owe just over $135k
I am paying an extra $500 a month on my mortgage. I also hope to getter a bigger year end bonus and apply a portion of that to the mortgage this year. 

2. Increase contribution to 401k to 10% from 8%
I currently am contributing 8% of my $168k salary. I expect a 5% raise to $176k. I will increase my 401k contribution to 10% of my new salary. 

3. Increase savings account (Marcus) to $50k, currently at approximately $40k 

I've always had anxiety over job loss. I hope to keep a $50k savings account for my emergency fund and household expenses. 

4. Max out Back door Roth Contributions
5. Lose 30lbs
6. Read 12 books
7. Take one trip
8. Exercise and move more.

What are your goals for 2025?

Friday, January 24, 2025

Net Worth Update January 2025


Here's where the numbers stand.

$19,132 Ally Savings Account (Saved for Roof Replacement)

$40,817 Marcus Savings Account 

 $85,892 Retirement- Roth IRA
 106,141 Taxable Brokerage (Retirement)

$22,779 Former Employer 401k

$16,435 Current Employer 401k

$15,000 Private Investment 

$5,000 Private Investment 

$32,361 Bank Account 

$428,100 per zillow

              Total (not including home): $343,557
              Total (including home): $771, 657

Mortgage $135,193

                   Total (not including mortgage): $0
                    Total (including mortgage): -$135,193

        Total Net Worth(not including mortgage/home):  $343,557                                   
        Total Net Worth(including mortgage/home): $636,464

Net worth, not including mortgage/home, increased by $71,971 from April 2024 (last net worth update)
Net worth, including mortgage/home, increased by $71,942 from April 2024 (last net worth update)

Notes- home value decreased by almost $10k.