Sunday, April 9, 2017

First Quarter Update- Financial Goals 2017

1. Increase emergency fund from $15,000 to $17,500.-IN PROGRESS
I have increased this by $500 (It was actually $1,000, but I had to borrow $500 for my work travel due to the extremely slow and awful reimbursement process).

2. Add $9,500 to my retirement with an overall goal of having $20,000 in retirement savings by the end of the year.--IN PROGRESS
I have contributed $1,600 to retirement this year. I believe my ROTH is at approximately $11,400. 

3. Pay an extra $100 a month on the mortgage, with an end goal of having the balance under $210,000 by the end of the year.- SO FAR SO GOOD.
I have paid at least $100 extra on each mortgage payment so far this year.

4. Save $2,500 into car replacement fund with the end goal of having $5,000 in the car replacement fund by the end of the year. IN PROGRESS
I have over $3,000 saved towards a new car.

5. Pay off furniture I bought before expiration of 0% financing period.  Will blog about this later in a separate post. --DONE

I paid this off in approximately 2 months- no interest paid!!!

6. Read 12 books- FAIL
I have not completed one book this year yet. 

7. Write a book- FAIL
Lots of ideas- no actual writing

8. Lose 10 lbs- FAIL
no progress

9. Donate $200 to charity- FAIL
I have not selected a charity yet.

10.  Get more life insurance- FAIL
Was hoping to lose weight first.

11. Build a separate car maintenance fund. - FAIL
Waiting on travel vouchers.

12. Look into and focus on career options.- IN PROGRESS

I have been looking into other careers outside of the practice of law.


  1. It looks like you are making awesome progress on your goals. Plus if you were achieving every one of your goals it would mean that you didn't make as many stretch goals :)

  2. I think you are doing fantastic. The important thing is that you do indeed have written goals, which gives you something to aim for! Keep up the good work.
