Friday, April 18, 2014

Case of the Frustrations

I have a serious case of the frustrations! I haven't written because I am so frustrated with life and work in general.  I want to be debt free.  I want all of my dental work  I want to lose  I want a wonderful good sturdy bedroom  I want my house painted  I want to invest tons of I want lots of things, but I can't afford anything!

I have officially applied for a new job because I feel like I just cannot take my current job anymore.  It's frustrating.  My boss is a lazy, lazy piece of crap.  His secretary, although I like her personally, is just as bad.  She's not keeping up with the work...which is sad because there's not much to do.  It seems as though if I ask her to do something, she simply does not do it.  I don't know why she has taken on this attitude.  Pretty much the only time that she works is at the end of the month when she is getting our boss' billable time into the bookkeeper.  I feel conflicted.  I don't know what to do.  Do I say something to her?  I already stopped giving her work to do on my cases.  However, if I do something for my boss and he reviews it it is up to her to get it out.  I don't want to become a nag or a pushover, but it's not right that I have to do clerical work on my own cases.  I need to focus on billing.  I guess my only option is to keep on top of her to make sure that things are going out as requested.  If that's not bad enough, she's had about 5 or 6 raises in the 3 years that she has worked there.  Why?  She barely comes to work, she always leaves early and she never does any work.  Yet somehow that behavior warrants a raise.  I come in early everyday, I stay late if necessary, I do all of the drafting and writing for the office and some for the other office.  What am I missing?  I had to beg to get my part time assistant a raise and she's been there over 5 years now and had never had a raise.  That felt good to vent. Thanks for letting me bend your ear.

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