Tuesday, January 20, 2015

2014 Goals

So it's time to see how I did with regard to my 2014 goals---not so well.  Take a look.

1. Continue to cash flow all of the dental work-FAIL- I had about $2000 of dental work that remained on my credit card into January.  I have since paid off that balance. 

2. Pay down at least $2000 more on my student loans by the end of the year. I think PASS- I only get e-statements and I accidentally deleted.  Nelnet does not retain online copies for you.  But I know I made at least 2 $600 plus payments towards the end of the year. That $1200 plus my regular payments likely pushed me over the $2000 mark.  I will have to double check to be sure. 

3. Get my emergency fund up to $10,000 by the end of the year.- PASS I have $10,006 in my emergency fund.

4. Get my online savings account up to $2,500 by the end of the year. - FAIL- I only had $2200 and some change as of December 31, 2014.

5. Get all of the dental work done this year so hopefully I can take a deduction on my taxes. FAIL- I still have to get the 2 crowns put on at a cost of approximately $4,000.

6. Talk to my boss about my future at the firm and a raise. PASS- I talked to him alright, to no avail.  

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