Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 16-30 Budget

$300 utilities
$100 groceries
$1739 student loan
$33 alarm system
$200 spending
$50 savings
$100 gas

I have been spending a lot this 2 week period and I am less than halfway through it.  I really need to curb that and fast.  I think I am just generally exhausted.  I am hoping to get a a chance to take some vacation time soon.

I have to attend a conference for work in a couple of weeks and I need to make sure I have some nice appropriate clothing and footwear so that will cost me a bit of money.  I think I have generally what I need, but I have gained some weight so I might spend a little on a new dress and maybe some flat shoes for running through the airports. Also, I may need to purchase a few odds and ends for makeup.  I will worry about that next weekend because I hate clothes shopping.  That's all for now.

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