Friday, November 14, 2014

Budget Breakdown November 15-30 and dental work updates

Budget November 15-30
$190 utilities
$100 groceries
$650 NovemberVacation
$860 dental fund
$300 Thanksgiving
$214 spending
$100 gas

I went out of town over the Veteran's day weekend and had a great time.  I spent just about my entire $650 budget.

Dental work is so expensive! I just paid for the dental implant surgery for 2 teeth which totaled over $5,500 for both implants and the anesthesia.  I will have the surgery later this month.  I will do a post detailing all of the dental/medical costs I have paid for this year.  My poor memory can recall the following, just off the top of my head:
$5,500 (approximately) dental implant surgery
$1100 root canal
$2000 2 crowns
over $2000 for 6 extractions (4 wisdom teeth and 2 others)
plus the cost of cleanings and miscellaneous. 

I have to try and pull all of my resources to find enough cash to cover the cost of the dental implants.  I only had about $2500 in my dental fund.  I will not pay any interest on my credit card so I'm on a mission!

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