Tuesday, January 23, 2018

2017 Goal Recap

 Let's see how I did on my 2017 goals.  (I know this is super late as it is almost the end of January.)

1. Increase emergency fund from $15,000 to $17,500.-FAIL
I only got my EF to $16,845 by the end of the year.  Close, but no cigar.  I gotta do better with this for 2018. 

2. Add $9,500 to my retirement with an overall goal of having $20,000 in retirement savings by the end of the year.--PASS!
I contributed $9,500 to retirement for the year. I believe between my roth and taxable I ended the year with approximately $22,000 for retirement.  

3. Pay an extra $100 a month on the mortgage, with an end goal of having the balance under $210,000 by the end of the year.- PASS
I paid at least $100 extra on each mortgage payment for the year.  After my raise, later in the year, I  put $290 extra on my mortgage each month. 

4. Save an additional $2,500 into car replacement fund with the end goal of having $5,000 in the car replacement fund by the end of the year. PASSISH
I had $4,972 saved for my replacement car by the end of the year.

5. Pay off furniture I bought before expiration of 0% financing period. --PASS.
I paid this off in approximately 2 months- no interest paid!!!

6. Read 12 books- FAIL
I have only completed 5 books for the year.  Sad, just sad.

7. Write a book- FAIL
Lots of ideas- no actual writing

8. Lose 10 lbs- FAIL
no progress, but no weight gain either!

9. Donate $200 to charity- PASS
  donated $50 to my law school, $50 to legal services for the poor and $100 to a legal fund designed to assist the victims of Hurricane Harvey. 

10.  Get more life insurance- FAIL
Was hoping to lose weight first.

11. Build a separate car maintenance fund. - PASS
I funded a care maintenance fund, but I don't believe it ever got above $100.

12. Look into and focus on career options.- PASSISH
I did a lot of research, but never settled on any specific plan.

I did a lot of travel last year and helped care for an ill family member.  Those 2 items were major triggers for overspending to me.  I need to do better this year and make sure I don't spend emotionally.  I hope you all did better on your 2017 goals than I did.  Let's make 2018 a great financial/goal year! 


  1. I think you did amazingly well with your goals. You completed the majority of them and came very close with the others! Congrats!

    1. Thank you! I just struggle with the fact that I did not complete them all, it drives me crazy!

  2. I agree that you did well. Don't beat yourself up. It's a new year!

    1. I am so task and goal driven. It drives me crazy when I can't check the box!
